Alexander Wood

Alex Wood & Son, photo-lithographic artists and zincotypers, were listed at No. 1 from 1882 to 1884.1 This may have been a business or studio address, as Alexander Wood and his family were recorded living nearby at 6 St Bernard’s Row in 1881 and 1891. The St Bernard’s Row address was also listed 1882 to 1884.

Alexander Wood was born at Lanark on 10 April 1817, son of a merchant, James Wood, and his wife Mary Hamilton.2 He was an excise officer until about 1878, when he began to work as a professional photographer. He died on 18 June 1896.3

He married Elizabeth Gaskin at Great Salkeld, Cumberland on 07 November 1857. She was born in Cumberland, England in 1826, the daughter of John Gaskin, a shoemaker, and his wife Elizabeth Bell.  She died at Govan on 13 November 1916, aged 90.4

Their son John Gaskin Wood continued the photographic business.


  1. PO Directories 1882-83 and 1883-84.
  2. Baptisms (OPR) Scotland. Lanark, Lanarkshire. 13 April 1817. WOOD, Alexander. 648/ 191. accessed 21 January 2024.
  3. Probate records. Scotland. Edinburgh. Confirmation. 29 July 1896. WOOD, Alexander. Ancestry collection ‘Scotland, National Probate Index (Calendar of Confirmations and Inventories), 1876-1936.’ accessed 03 November 2024.
  4. Deaths (SR) Scotland. Govan, Glasgow. 16 November 1916. WOOD, Elizabeth. 644/20 306. accessed 21 January 2024

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