James Denholm

James Denholm was listed at No. 1 from 1870 to 1873. He was described as a writer in the post office directories, and as a clerk in the 1871 census. By 1881, when he was living in London Street, he was in the printing business, employing 14 men, 12 boys and 3 girls. The printers Porteus & Denholm had premises at 18 Elder Street.

James Denholm was born at Kilwinning, Ayrshire on 21 November 1847, but grew up living in Market Place, Stockbridge. His father was Alexander Denholm, a coachman and hostler. His mother, Helen Smith, was living with him at No. 1 in 1871, along with his brother John Denholm (born 9 June 1850), a miller.

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