Elizabeth Nicol

Mrs Elizabeth Nicol lived at No. 2 from 1898 until her death in 1906. She was the wife of John Nicol, grocer and wine merchant, and born Elizabeth Fowler, the illegitimate daughter of Rachel Fowler.

Census records indicate Elizabeth Fowler was born at Lasswade, Midlothian about 1848. However, she was recorded in the 1851 census in the household of her grandmother Elizabeth Fowler at Loanhead, as ‘Betsy Horsburgh,’ aged 5 years.1 In the 1861 census she was recorded as Elizabeth Fowler, aged 15, living with her uncle Alexander Fowler, a shoemaker, and working in a paper mill.2 This suggests she was the daughter of Rachel Fowler born on 18 April 1845 who was the subject of a paternity suit against William Horsburgh, blacksmith in Loanhead.3

Elizabeth Fowler married John Nicol on 18 June 1869, in Edinburgh.4 She was a domestic servant, resident at Addiston, Lauder and he was a grocer’s assistant in Edinburgh. They were living at 43 Brunswick Street, Edinburgh in 1871,5 at 46 Torphichen Street in 18816 and at 25 India Street in 1886.7 In 1890, Elizabeth Fowler or Nicol’s son David Robertson Nicol was born at Newtonards, Ireland but the father’s name was omitted from the birth registration.8 By April 1891, Elizabeth was back in Edinburgh, at 7 Gillespie Crescent as head of the household.9 John Nicol was absent from the household in this census and the next (1901). When Elizabeth Nicol died at No. 2 Malta Terrace on 15 January 1906, she was described as the wife of John Nicol, retired grocer and wine merchant,10 though he does not appear to have lived at No. 2. He also died in 1906, at Hotham, Victoria, Australia.11

Elizabeth Nicol had six sons living with her at No. 2 in 1901:

The oldest was James Stewart Nicol, born in Edinburgh in 1880,12 was an insurance clerk in 1901.13 He married Annie Helen Cunningham on 15 June 1907, at Colinton.14 The lived at 9 Mayville Gardens, Newhaven in 191115 and 1921.16 He was an insurance accountant for Scottish Provident.

John Lockie Nicol was born in Edinburgh on 02 October 1881.17 He was a law apprentice in 1901.18 In 1909 he emigrated to Canada and was living at Arcola, Saskatchewan in 1916, occupation law clerk.19 He died at Lampman, Saskatchewan on 04 December 1928.20

Robert Campbell Nicol was born in Edinburgh in 188321 and baptised on 04 March.22 He was a rubber works’ mercantile clerk in 1901.23

William Lockie Nicol was born in Edinburgh on 19 August 188424, 25 and was an apprentice for a meter manufacturer in 1901.26  He emigrated to South Africa where he married Bessie Maule Black at Wynberg, Cape Town on 08 December 1904.27 He was a widower living in the British Hotel, Simon’s Town. when he died on 30 August 1965.28

George Nicol was born at 25 India Street, Edinburgh on 30 June 1886.29 He emigrated to Canada and was recorded in the 1911 census there as a bank clerk at Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.30 He married Josephine Marie Noelia Peterie on 27 April 1914 at Chartierville, Quebec31 and in 1920 was living in the USA at Lyndhurst, New Jersey.32 He returned to Canada in 1927, retaining US citizenship, and was the secretary treasurer of an electrical engineering company in Montreal in 1931.33 He died in Montreal, Canada in 1953.34

David Robertson Nicol was born at Newtownards, Ireland on 30 August 1890.35 He was recorded in the 1901 census at No. 2 Malta Terrace.36


  1. Census records. Scotland. Lasswade, Midlothian. 30 March 1851. FOWLER, Elizabeth (Head). 691/ 08/ 05. Ancestry collection ‘1851 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  2. Census records. Scotland. Lasswade, Midlothian. 07 April 1861. FOWLER, Alexander (Head). 691/ 07/ 07. FindMyPast  collection ‘1861 England, Wales and Scotland Census.’ https://findmypast.co.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  3. Sheriff Court Processes index. Edinburgh. 1846. FOWLER, Rachel. SC39/17/938 No. 9725. https://www.scottishindexes.com: accessed 02 March 2024.
  4. Marriages (SR) Scotland. St Andrew, Edinburgh. 22 June 1869. NICOL, John and FOWLER, Elizabeth. 685/2 159. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  5. Census records. Scotland. St George, Edinburgh. 02 April 1871. NICOL, John (Head). 685/1 75/ 10. Ancestry collection ‘1871 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  6. Census records. Scotland. St George, Edinburgh. 03 April 1881. NICOL, John (Head). 685/1 47/ 04. Ancestry collection ‘1881 Scotland. Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  7. Births (SR) Scotland. Edinburgh. 30 June 1886. NICOL, George. 685/2 802. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  8. Births (CR) Ireland. Newtonards, Down. 30 August 1890. NICOL, David Robertson. 9334090. https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie: accessed 19 February 2024.
  9. Census records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 05 April 1891. NICOL, Elizabeth (Head). 685/5 124/ 6. Ancestry collection ‘1891 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: 19 February 2024.
  10. Deaths (SR) Scotland. Edinburgh. 15 January 1906. NICOL, Elizabeth Ann. 685/1 38. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 19 February 2024.
  11. Deaths index (CR) Australia. Hotham, Victoria. 1906. NICOL, John. 1981/1906. https://www.bdm.vic.gov.au/research-and-family-history/search-your-family-history: accessed 02 March 2024.
  12. Births index (SR) Scotland. St George, Edinburgh. 1880. NICOL, James Stewart. 685/1 815. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  13. Census records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 31 March 1901. NICOL, Elizabeth (Head). 685/1 46/ 8. Ancestry collection ‘1901 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 27 January 2024.
  14. Marriages (SR) Scotland. Colinton, Edinburgh. 17 June 1907. NICOL, James S. and CUNNINGHAM, Annie Helen. 677/ 7. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  15. Census records. Scotland. Newhaven, Leith. 02 April 1911. NICOL, James S. 692/1 21/ 17. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  16. Census records. Scotland. Newhaven, Edinburgh. 19 June 1921. NICOL, James S. 685/10 45/ 15. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  17. Births (SR) Scotland. St George, Edinburgh. 02 October 1881. NICOL, John Lockie. Ancestry collection ‘Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 27 January 2024.
  18. Census records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 31 March 1901. NICOL, Elizabeth (Head). 685/1 46/ 8. Ancestry collection ‘1901 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 27 January 2024.
  19. Census records. Canada. Arcola, Saskatchewan. 02 June 1916. NICOL, John L. 16/ 20/ 04. Ancestry collection ‘1916 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  20. Monumental inscriptions. Canada. Arcola Cemetery, Saskatchewan. 04 December 1928. NICOL, John Lockie. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/194574829/john_lockie-nicol: accessed 03 March 2024.
  21. Births index (SR) Scotland. St George, Edinburgh. 1883. NICOL, Robert Campbell. 685/1 204. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  22. Baptisms (PR) Scotland. Edinburgh. 04 March 1883. NICOL, Robert Campbell. FamilySearch collection ‘Scotland Presbyterian & Protestant Church Records, 1736-1990.’ https://familysearch.org: accessed 03 March 2024.
  23. Census records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 31 March 1901. NICOL, Elizabeth (Head). 685/1 46/ 8. Ancestry collection ‘1901 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 27 January 2024.
  24. Births index (SR) Scotland. St Andrew, Edinburgh. 1884. NICOL, William Lockie. 685/2 949. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  25. Monumental inscriptions. South Africa. Simonstown, Cape Province. 30 August 1965. NICOL, William Lockie. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/172469879/william_lockie-nicol: accessed 03 March 2024.
  26. Census records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 31 March 1901. NICOL, Elizabeth (Head). 685/1 46/ 8. Ancestry collection ‘1901 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 27 January 2024.
  27. Marriages (CR) South Africa. Wynberg, Cape Province. 08 December 1904. NICOL, William Lockie and BLACK, Bessie Maule. FamilySearch collection ‘South Africa, Civil Marriage Records, 1840-1973.’ https://familsearch.org: accessed 03 March 2024.
  28. Monumental inscriptions. South Africa. Simonstown, Cape Province. 30 August 1965. NICOL, William Lockie. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/172469879/william_lockie-nicol: accessed 03 March 2024.
  29. Births (SR) Scotland. St Andrew, Edinburgh. 21 July 1886. NICOL, George. 685/2 802. https://scotlandspeople.gov.uk: accessed 02 March 2024.
  30. Census records. Canada. Montreal, Quebec. 01 June 1911. NICOL, George. T-27246 /14. Ancestry collection ‘ 1931 Census of Canada.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  31. Marriages (PR) Canada. Chartierville, Quebec. 27 April 1914. NICOL, George and PETERIE, Nolea. Ancestry collection ‘Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  32. Census records. USA. Bergen, New Jersey. 10 January 1920. NICOL, George. 65/ 1A. Ancestry collection ‘1920 United States Federal Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  33. https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 03 March 2024.
  34. Monumental inscriptions. Canada. St Joseph Cemetery, Dundas and Glengarry, Ontario. 1953. NICOL, George. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/177552607/george-nicol: accessed 03 March 2024.
  35. Births (CR) Ireland. Newtonards, Down. 30 August 1890. NICOL, David Robertson. 9334090. https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie: accessed 19 February 2024.
  36. Census records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 31 March 1901. NICOL, Elizabeth (Head). 685/1 46/ 8. Ancestry collection ‘1901 Scotland Census.’ https://ancestry.co.uk: accessed 27 January 2024.

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