Robert Gardner, a retired pharmacist, took up residence at No. 3 in 1912.1 He lived there until his death on 27 December 1929.2 He was born at Limekilns, Fife, on 28 July 1853, son of William Gardner, a marine pilot, and Catherine Bryce, and baptised on 21 August 1853 at United Association Burgh Seceders church.3 He registered as a chemist and druggist on 20 December 18764 and for nearly three decades worked from premises in the High Street, Inverkeithing. He sold the business in 1906.5
Robert Gardner married Martha Simpson at Alloa, Clackmannan, on 09 March 1886.6 They had three children, who were all adults when Robert Gardner and Martha Simpson occupied No. 3, and were listed there in the Electoral Register of 1925-26.7 They were Mary Campbell Gardner, born at Inverkeithing in 1887;8 Katherine Bryce Gardner, born at Inverkeithing in 1889;9 and William Gardner, born at Inverkeithing in 1893.10 Both daughters were unmarried at the time of their father’s death.11 Katherine B. Gardner was a piano, singing and elocution tutor.12 and William Gardner served during the First World War from 1914 and was wounded twice.13 He survived his father and was a teacher.14
Martha Gardner, widow of Robert Gardner, remained at No. 3 after her husband’s death in 1929, until 1933.15 She was born in 1857 at Colmonell, Ayrshire,16 daughter of forester James Simpson and Mary Campbell. She died in Edinburgh in 1942.17
- PO Directory 1912-13.
- Testamentary records. England. London. 15 March 1930. GARDNER, Robert. Confirmation. National Probate Calendar. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Baptisms (NCR) Scotland. Limekilns, Fife. 21 August 1853. GARDNER, Robert. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (1919) Register of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Chemists and Druggists. London: Pharmaceutical Society. p. 133. accessed 08 July 2021.
- The Chemist and Druggist. 30 June 1906. p. 971. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Marriages index (SR) Scotland. Alloa, Clackmannan. 1886. GARDNER, Robert and SIMPSON, Martha. 465/ 18. accessed 08 July 2021. Marriage announcements. 1886. Dundee Courier. 12 March 1886. GARDNER, Robert and SIMPSON, Martha. p. 08, col. 08. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Electoral register. Edinburgh. 1925-26. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Births index (SR) Scotland. Inverkeithing, Fife. 1887. GARDNER, Mary Campbell. 432/ 109. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Births index (SR) Scotland. Inverkeithing, Fife. 1889. GARDNER, Catherine Bryce. 432/ 38. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Births index (SR) Scotland. Inverkeithing, Fife. 1893. GARDNER, William. 432/ 56. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Testamentary records. England. London. 15 March 1930. GARDNER, Robert. Confirmation. National Probate Calendar. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Advertisements. Edinburgh Evening News. 12 April 1913. p. 3, col. 5. accessed 04 March 2024.
- Roll of Honour of the Pupils and Staff of Dunfermline High School. (1920) p. 13. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Testamentary records. Scotland. Edinburgh. 13 February 1930. GARDNER, Robert. Confirmation. National Probate Index. accessed 08 July 2021.
- PO Directories 1932-33 and 1933-34.
- Births index (SR) Scotland. Colmonell, Ayrshire. 1857. GARDNER, Martha. 582/ 74. accessed 08 July 2021.
- Deaths index (SR) Scotland. Haymarket, Edinburgh. 1942. GARDNER, Martha (aged 83). 685/1 119. accessed 08 July 2021.