Peter Glen was superintendent of the home at Malta House after the second world war. He was born on 10 June 1884 son of Peter Glen, stereotyper, and Barbara Wilson. He was a plumber by trade when he joined the Royal Marines in 1903. During the first world war he served on HMS Thunderer and…
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George Boughtwood
George Boughtwood succeeded Tom Murray as Superintendent of the Labour Home at Malta House in September 1910 and remained there until his retirement in 1939. He was born on 12 July 1872 at Hanningfield, Essex, son of a labourer, William Boughtwood and his wife Jane. In the 1891 census he was recorded as a farm…
Tom Murray
The first Superintendent of the Malta House Labour Home was Tom Murray who was in charge of the Home at its previous location in Sciennes. He had previously been manager of Grove House, which opened in 1900 to provide food and lodging for ‘men of the respectable working class.’ Tom Murray left Malta House in…
Archibald Geikie
Archibald Geikie, perfumer, occupied Malta House in 1835-1836. The previous year he was living at 2 Drummond Street. He was born in 1770, son of John Geikie, barber and hairdresser, and his wife Isabel Gillespie. Archibald Geikie was listed in the 1794-95 directory as a hairdresser in Charles’s Street. His father John was a hairdresser…
John Mitchelson
J. and D. Mitchelson were listed at Malta House in 1830-31. This was the business name of a firm of painters and glaziers operated by John Mitchelson. John Mitchelson had business premises in Rose Street from 1821 but did not adopt the name J. and D. Mitchelson until 1829. The ‘D’ probably came from his…
Malta House Academy
Between 1826 and 1828 Malta House was occupied by a boys’ school operated by J. Cameron, a teacher of English and geography. In March 1826, Cameron gave notice in the press that his school, then at 3 Johnston Place, would move to Malta House ‘for the better accommodation of his pupils’. The notice claimed, ‘The…
Robert Fraser
Robert Fraser Esq. took up residence at Malta House in 1818, having spent several years out of Scotland. He had a son born there on 01 August 1818. A year later, he went to London with two daughters, leaving his wife and younger children at Malta House. His place of domicile was disputed when the…
Thomas Tibbetts
Thomas Tibbetts was living at No. 5 Malta Terrace in 1854 when his son Thomas was born there on 28 July 1854. In 1851 he was at 5 St Patrick Square and may have moved to Malta Terrace the following year. His residence was not listed in the PO Directories but a business address at…
The Kelly family
Peter Kelly, a house painter, lived at 7 St Bernard’s Row between 1907 and 1916. He was born in Edinburgh about 1848, the son of Henrietta Kelly who was the daughter of a building contractor. He appears to have been raised by his grandmother, Mary Kelly, and was recorded in her household at 17 Allan…
Alfred W. Craig
Alfred W. Craig was listed in the electoral register at 7 St Bernard’s Row in 1933 and removed from the register in 1934. Alfred Craig had lodgings in St Bernard’s Row in February 1933 when he was convicted in the Edinburgh Sheriff Court and imprisoned for 20 days. He was a drummer in a jazz…