John Roberts Baillie

John Roberts Baillie lived at No. 9 from 1914. In the Valuation Rolls, his occupation is given as manager.

Thomas Alexander Ferguson Graham

The post office directories from 1859 to 1901 list T. A. F. Graham at No. 9. The artist Thomas Alexander Ferguson Graham was born at Kirkwall, Orkney on 27 October 1840, son of Alexander Spiers Graham (1807-18…), Crown Chamberlain in Orkney, and Eliza Stirling. Sometime after their father’s death, Thomas and his only sister, Mary…

Miss Agnes Graham

Agnes Graham, daughter of Mrs Agnes Graham lived at No. 9 for half a century, from 1841 until her death on 7 April 1892. She was born at Glasgow on 9 July 1804, though censuses give her place of birth as Edinburgh.

Mrs Hogg

A Mrs Hogg was resident at No. 9 for about two years, 1839-1840. This was most almost certainly Margaret Phillips, widow of James Hogg, “the Ettrick Shepherd,” who was recorded in the 1841 census at 14 St Bernard’s Crescent. She was born c.1790, daughter of Peter Phillips (1749-1826), farmer in Longbridgemuir, Dumfriesshire. Margaret Phillips married…

Marion Shiell

Marion Shiell, grandaughter of Mrs Agnes Graham and niece of Miss Agnes Graham, lived at No. 9 from 1893 until after 1901. She was born Marion (Mary Anne) Graham at Kirkwall on 18 September 1839, daughter of Alexander S Graham and Eliza Stirling, and elder sister of Thomas A F Graham. In 1901 she was…

Mrs Agnes Graham

Agnes Graham was resident at No. 9 from 1841 until her death there on 7 October 1859. She was born Agnes Spears c. 1772 at Kirkcaldy and was the widow of Thomas Graham, Crown Chamberlain in Orkney. Thomas Graham was a lawyer in Glasgow and Sheriff Substitute in Haddington before being appointed in 1829 to…

Alexander Somerville

Alexander Somerville, a wine merchant, lived at No. 9 between 1821/22 and 1836/37. He was also described as an agent for the True Sun newspaper and Crown Life. He was born at Govan in 1785, son of Neil Somerville (1740-1796), a merchant trading with the West Indies, and Eleanora Scott. Alexander Somerville lived in Raeburn…