Malta House Academy

Between 1826 and 1828 Malta House was occupied by a boys’ school operated by J. Cameron, a teacher of English and geography. In March 1826, Cameron gave notice in the press that his school, then at 3 Johnston Place, would move to Malta House ‘for the better accommodation of his pupils’. The notice claimed, ‘The…

Robert Stewart

Robert Stewart was listed as a writing master at Malta House when J. Cameron’s school operated there. This may have been the same Robert Stewart, teacher of writing, arithmetic and book-keeping, who was also listed at 22 South Hanover Street. The duplication of entries in the directory suggests he may not have been resident at…

Alex Ponton

Alexander Ponton, solicitor and procurator fiscal for the City of Edinburgh lived at No. 6 from about 1826 to 1829. He was born in Edinburgh on 12 August 1769, son of Alexander Ponton, a wright and measurer, and his wife Isobel Anderson. Alexander junior was a practising solicitor by 1795 and in 1807 was appointed…