Cardno Genealogies


Matches 1 to 50 of 155

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S113 Auckland Museum
2 S114 New Zealand BMD Index
3 S115 1940 US Census
4 S116 1920 US Census
5 S133 Marriages index (CR). Australia
6 S140 Marriages (CR). United States of America.
7 S141 Census records. United States of America.
8 S142 Baptisms (PR). England.
9 S143 Births (CR). England.
10 S144 Marriages (PR). England.
11 S154 Monumental inscriptions.
12 S55 1881 British Census
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
13 S62 1881 Canadian Census
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
14 S84 1881 Census Canada
LDS Family History Library 
15 S82 1901 Census of Canada
16 S151 1939 England and Wales Register
17 S8 24 May 1792 in Episc Reg [MSS.118; Episc.Reg];
18 S60 A Branch of the Aberdeen Lawrences
Robert Murdoch 
19 S112 Evening Express, formerly Aberdeen Evening Express
20 S35 Roll of the Graduates of the University of Aberdeen 1926-1955
J Mackintosh, ed. 
21 S100 The Aberdeen Journal
22 S22 A Whaler's Tale: the Memoirs of David Hawthorn Cardno of Peterhead
Gavin Sutherland, ed. 
23 S28 Aberdeen Journal Notes and Queries
24 S110 Aberdeen Press and Journal
25 S37 Aberdeen University Review
26 S41 Aberdour Old Parish Registers
27 S99
28 S118 Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985 [database on-line]
29 S79 Ann Lee
30 S130 Baptisms (Episcopal Registers) Scotland
31 S119 Baptisms (Old Parish Registers) Scotland
32 S54 Birth Certificate
33 S137 Births (Civil records). Canada
34 S149 Births (CR) United States of America.
35 S122 Births (Statutory Registration) Scotland
36 S132 Births index (Civil records). Australia
37 S134 Births index (Civil records). Australia
38 S146 Births index (CR). England.
39 S44 Boberg
40 S13
41 S95 British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920  
42 S96 British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920 [database on-line].
43 S121 Burials (Old Parish Registers) Scotland
June Raw 
45 S11 Cardno Genealogy
Yahoo| Groups 
46 S30 Cardno Manuscripts
47 S80 Census
48 S56 Census 1851
49 S76 Census 1861
50 S67 Census 1871

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